Real Estate Sales & Rental Info At And Around [Location]

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3314 S 28th St #304, Alexandria VA 22302 Listed

Deliberating the possibility of Listings At Bolling Brook? Deliberate This Condo.

Do you have reasons to be anxious when we're talking about $250,000 for a 1-bedroom condo like 3314 S 28th St #304 in 22302? As a matter of fact, you might find problems with the condo after closing. Nevertheless, Julie Nesbitt can order a home inspection to reveal most potential problems. Besides, there are other dangers which can be challenging to overcome.  Nevertheless, a real estate professional like Julie can manage and overcome pitfalls  associated with buying a home in 22302 in Alexandria. Continue reading "3314 S 28th St #304, Alexandria VA 22302 Listed"
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3128 Chepstow Ln, Falls Church Real Estate Advisory

How Much Do $739,900 5-BR 3 BA Residences Cost At Annalee Heights in Fairfax County?

It’s a good idea to learn all you can about homes in the 22042 in Falls Church area if you’re considering buying a property like 3128 Chepstow Ln.

Real Estate Data About The 22042 Area

  • The median age of homes in the 22042 area is 68 years. 3128 Chepstow Ln is 71 years old.
  • The 22042 Area has an average price per square foot of $369 . But, 3128 Chepstow Ln is $378 per sqft.
  • The average days on market in the 22042 area is 46 days.
  • The average living area in the 22042 area is 2,080 sqft. In contrast, 3128 Chepstow Ln has 1,956 sqft of living area.
  • Did you know that brick is the most common type of exterior in the 22042 area?
2911 Charing Cross Rd #7 is the least expensive home in the 22042 area. 2911 Charing Cross Rd #7 is listed for $189,900. In contrast, 6463 Eppard St is the highest-priced home in the 22042 area. 6463 Eppard St is asking $2,500,000. As a matter of fact, this data is deemed accurate but not guaranteed. But, this information will change.  What is true and accurate today, 06/28/2022, will not be entirely accurate tomorrow or the day before. Check with Monika Ortiz for the latest real estate information from the 22042 area or for information about places not unlike 3128 Chepstow Ln. Continue reading "3128 Chepstow Ln, Falls Church Real Estate Advisory"
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4910 35th Rd N, Arlington VA 22207 For Sale

$1,475,000 :-: Arlington VA 22207

4910 35th Rd N is an interesting home with a lot of potential. But it's not important to Julie Nesbitt that you purchase this detached home, or any particular $1,475,000 Colonial-style property in Arlington. It's more important to Julie Nesbitt that you do what's great for you. As a home hunter, you have a lot of decisions to make about what's important to you.

Your Nesbitt Realty agent would love to talk through your options. A few of the issues to sort through:

Do you need to think about resale value? Do you know what homes have sold for in this area? Here's what has Recently sold at Country Club Manor. Do you like brick place of residence? Do you prefer brick or siding? What type of siding? Do public schools matter to you? 4910 35th Rd N is served by Cub Run, and Jamestown Elementary Schools and . Continue reading "4910 35th Rd N, Arlington VA 22207 For Sale"
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1320 N Wayne St #308, Arlington VA 22201 Listed For Sale

How Much Do Listings Cost At Courthouse Hill in 22201?

There's a lot to love about this condo in 22201 in Arlington. But is 1320 N Wayne St #308 the most compatible residence for you? As a buyer, you have a lot of choices to make about what's important to you.

There are many options to think about. For example:

How many baths do you need? 1320 N Wayne St #308 has 1 full baths. What about half baths? 1320 N Wayne St #308 has 0 half baths. What type of heating system do you prefer? Electric? Maybe you like natural gas or the warmth of an oil furnace? The most typical heating system in this neighborhood is forced air. Is the cooling system important to you? Did you know that this section's most common cool systems are central a/c? Continue reading "1320 N Wayne St #308, Arlington VA 22201 Listed For Sale"
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2906 Commonwealth Ave, Alexandria VA 22305 Listed For Sale

Valuable Reasons About Residences Advertised For Sale In The City of Alexandria

How Much Does A Modest Interior Unit Townhouse Cost In Alexandria?

Nesbitt Realty informs us that, depending upon your pre-approved price limit, you might want to reflect on this interior unit townhouse at 2906 Commonwealth Ave which is listed $725,000. But, the average living area of interior unit townhouses in Alexandria is 1,693 sqft. Continue reading "2906 Commonwealth Ave, Alexandria VA 22305 Listed For Sale"
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2500 N Van Dorn St #824, Alexandria VA 22302 Listed For Sale

784 sqft Place |-| Alexandria VA 22302

Purchasing a condo like 2500 N van Dorn St #824 is often the most complex purchase most residents of the City of Alexandria will ever make. Actually, as a trusted local Realtor, Nesbitt Realty knows the information and noncognitive support that property hunters need when searching for $200,000 condos in 22302 and acquiring a condo like 2500 N van Dorn St #824. Actually, there are other dangers which can be challenging to overcome.  But even so, a real estate professional like Nesbitt can manage and overcome dangers  associated with buying a condo in The City of Alexandria. Continue reading "2500 N Van Dorn St #824, Alexandria VA 22302 Listed For Sale"
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1504 Laughlin, McLean Real Estate Dispatch

5 Bedroom in 22101 in Fairfax County Asking $1,975,000

Let Will Nesbitt know if you're thinking of $1,975,000 Colonial-style homes in McLean. 1504 Laughlin is an example of this contemporary community in 22101. This detached home available at 1504 Laughlin now might be the answer to a lot of questions. Actually, you will probably be shocked by what this detached home has for the right buyer. Continue reading "1504 Laughlin, McLean Real Estate Dispatch"
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326 E Mason Ave, Alexandria VA 22301 For Sale

Enchanting End Unit Townhouse $899,900 ⁘ Alexandria VA 22301

1,120 Sqft End Unit Townhouse For $899,900 in 22301 in the City of Alexandria

Nesbitt Realty tells us that --- depending upon your price range --- you may want to dream about 326 E Mason Ave, Alexandria VA which is available for $899,900. Nevertheless, compare this to the average square feet (1,591) of properties in the 22301 area to get a sense of today's market. Continue reading "326 E Mason Ave, Alexandria VA 22301 For Sale"

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