How Much Do Interesting Listings Cost At Fort Ellsworth in 22314 in the City of Alexandria?
114 Roberts Ln #201 is an Enchanting 2-bedroom home in Alexandria, Virginia, Conversely it's not for every buyer. There are many factors to consider.
Can you afford $350,000?
Or is your budget closer to $324,000? If you can afford $358,000, should you pay $358,000?
The highest priced condo in the community is listed for $409,900. Do you know if 114 Roberts Ln #201 is a good value? Do you need to think about resale value? Do you know what places have sold for in this area? Here's what has
Recently sold at Fort Ellsworth. The highest priced condo in the enclave is listed for $409,900. Do you know if 114 Roberts Ln #201 is a good value?
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